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许多规模较大的公司都会有一个接待员,我们通常称作前台(receptionist)。可不要小瞧这个职位,前台的工作也是复杂多样的。而且有个好的前台对公司来说非常重要,因为前台是访客在公司接触到的第一个人,前台可是会左右客人对公司的第一印象哦。   Rose 就是 Modern Office Ltd。公司的前台,现在我们来看看她是怎样接待来访客人的吧。   Dialogue 1   Mr. Hussein 与 Rose 所在公司的销售经理 Mr. Shelli 预约在11:30会面,看 Rose 怎样接待如约前来的 Mr. Hussein。   ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you?   MR HUSSEIN: Good morning. Is this Modern Office Ltd.?   ROSE: Yes it is。   MR HUSSEIN: I have an appointment with the Sales Manager at 11: 30.   ROSE: May I have your name, please?   MR HUSSEIN: Hussein. Omar Hussein. I'm from the Gulf Trading Company。   ROSE: Let me see...Ah yes, Mr. Hussein. Please take a seat, Mr. Hussein. I'll tell the Manager's Secretary you are here。   (DIALS)   MARIA: Mr. Shelli's Office。   ROSE: Hello Maria, this is Reception. Mr. Omar Hussein is here. He has an appointment with Mr. Shelli at 11:30.   MARIA: Mr. Omar Hussein?   ROSE: Yes, he's from the Gulf Trading Company。   MARIA: Oh, yes, that's right. I'll come and fetch him now。   ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) Mr. Shelli's secretary is coming down now。   MR HUSSEIN: Thank you。   MARIA: Mr. Hussein?   MR HUSSEIN: Yes, that's right。   MARIA: I'm the Sales Manager's secretary. Please come this way. I'll take you to his office。

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